
Written By: mIchael Schroeder

Story by Roger D. Moore


In 2023, a group of Bow Hunters win lottery tickets to take part in a rare trophy elk hunt in an obscure area of Southern Utah. For decades, this land was off limits to hunters due to sacred Native American sensitivity; however the tribe has now opened it up – why? As each of these hunters is picked off one by one in a predatory fashion, we find out. This is the original land of Nod where Cain remains banished for his sin of Abel’s murder. The Tribe has been sacrificing children to the cannibal Cain for centuries when a dying Shaman does the unimaginable – sending this group of white hunters into Cain’s realm. What the hunters discover is too shocking for them to imagine. According to scripture and Indian Lore, Cain can’t be killed – only contained. If his mythological portal is purged and Cain comes off the mountain – god help us all.